
Alex Zappa
Creator and Maintainer
Geek that enjoys solving problems, technology, software development, food, reading, photography, blogging, and traveling.

Aleksandr Zapparov
Co-Creator and Maintainer
In my free time, I love to play chess, solve puzzles, play video games and gain new skills and knowledge.

Drew Tendero
Blog Author
I've spent over eight years writing across a plethora of online projects, each shaping me into the writer I am today. A passionate storyteller, curious by nature, and always eager to dive into something new. No topic is too obscure—if it's interesting, I'm all in!

Lorea Moreno
Blog Author
Translator and writer above all other things. Obviously a reader. Never could stop the thrust to write and now this is how I earn a living. Mother of cats and rightful queen of my gaming room. Spanish and beerist, but also a foodie. Thank you for reading!