Testimonials are a great way to show reviews made by customers or trusted sources as a way to build trust with new customers and can increase conversions to your product.
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Testimonials - Side by Side

- Quotes Group: A list of quote testimonials with each quote having the following settings:
- Blockquote: The customer's testimonial or quote.
- Author Name: The name of the customer.
- Author Job Title: The job that the customer is currently working as.
- Author Photo: The image of the customer, the image has the following settings to consider:
- Alt Text: Alternative Text for the image of the customer.
- The other options won't affect the image, so no need to worry about them.
- Company Logo: Your company's logo, best to use svg, but any other image should be fine. Logo has the following settings:
- Alt Text: Alternative Text for your company logo.
- Size: Automatically Adjust or Exact Width and Height. Automatically adjust will adjust image based on browser and device size, while Exact Width and Height will keep the image at the same size regardless of browser and device size.
- Maximum Size: Image's original size or Custom. If Image's original size, the image will be able to have a maximum size of its original. If custom, you will be able to adjust the max width and max height of the image. Currently, it is set to Custom and 100x20.
Testimonials - Simple Centered

- Blockquote: The customer's testimonial or quote.
- Company Logo: Your company's logo, best to use svg, but any other image should be fine. Logo has the following settings:
- Alt Text: Alternative Text for your company logo.
- Size: Automatically Adjust or Exact Width and Height. Automatically adjust will adjust image based on browser and device size, while Exact Width and Height will keep the image at the same size regardless of browser and device size.
- Maximum Size: Image's original size or Custom. If Image's original size, the image will be able to have a maximum size of its original. If custom, you will be able to adjust the max width and max height of the image. Currently, it is set to Custom and 200x40.
- Author Photo: The image of the customer, the image has the following settings to consider:
- Alt Text: Alternative Text for the image of the customer.
- The other options won't affect the image, so no need to worry about them.
- Author Name: The name of the customer.
- Author Job Title: The job that the customer is currently working as.
Testimonials - Large Avatar

- Blockquote: The customer's testimonial or quote.
- Author Photo: The image of the customer, the image has the following settings to consider:
- Alt Text: Alternative Text for the image of the customer.
- The other options won't affect the image, so no need to worry about them.
- Author Name: The name of the customer.
- Author Job Title: The job that the customer is currently working as.
Testimonials - Star Rating

- Rating: (Slider) The rating of the testimonial, from 0 to 5 stars.
- Blockquote: The customer's testimonial or quote.
- Author Photo: The image of the customer, the image has the following settings to consider:
- Alt Text: Alternative Text for the image of the customer.
- The other options won't affect the image, so no need to worry about them.
- Author Name: The name of the customer.
- Author Job Title: The job that the customer is currently working as.